
Nyaya-Global Justice Program, UKIERI Project (2013-2015)

Project Coordinator from the Department: Prof. Ashok Acharya

This project is part of UKIERI Trilateral Research Partnerships funded by British Council’s Trilateral with collaboration of University of Delhi, University of Birmingham and Yale University. The Nyaya Global Justice Programme is a major intellectual hub for the study of international ethical questions which have strong implications for India and neighbouring countries. These include questions around India’s role in the World Trade Organization, G20 and United Nations Security Council, fairness in international trade, cooperation in poverty reduction efforts, and ethics in global security issues.


Continuity and Change in Indian Federalism, Leverhulme Network Grant, 2014-2016

Project Coordinator from the Department: Prof. Rekha Saxena

This project explores the dynamics of centre-state relations in India since 1989. The project is a result of collaboration between University of Delhi, University of Edinburgh, University of Nottingham, University of Burdwan, University of Bristol, University of Hyderabad, Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh. It is funded by Leverhulme Trust, UK.

Workshop held on 5-6 December 2016

Inculcating Ontological Competence: Seeing the World/Cosmos through Multiple Ontological Lenses, 2016

Project Coordinator from the Department: Prof. Navnita C. Behera

The aim of this project is “thinking IR differently.”  The task, is to find ways to consider and appreciate other ways of knowing and wisdom and the various realities generated through these forms of knowing, which historically have been discredited through the lens of Western-style academia. Doing this effectively requires being able to recognize the ontological assumptions that inform these other ways of knowing in contrast to one’s own assumptions and a basic grasp of how one’s own ontological assumptions have given shape to one’s particular conceptualizations of knowledge/knowing. Since international relations as a field of study specializes in examining how the peoples of the world interact, honing these capabilities among IR scholars is critical for comprehensively contemplating the complexities, richness and frictions generated through the interactions among people and other living beings who engage and co-create their existences in distinct fashions. This project offers both junior and senior scholars of International Relations the opportunity to take a step back from a specific focus on IR to engage with ontology directly. The collaborating agencies for this project are Department of Political Science, Delhi University, World International Studies Committee (WISC) at University of Gothe, Germany, Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador and Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies.

Workshop held on 14-15 January 2016

Systems of Relatedness, Culture and Vulnerability in Transition: Dalit Life-Worlds in Post-Liberalized India, 2015-2017

Project Coordinator from the Department: Prof. N. Sukumar

This project is funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Delhi. It is a collaboration of University of Delhi, Lausanne University, Switzerland, Ambedkar University and Shyama Prasad Mookerjee College, Delhi University.