Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera

Designation: Professor



Office Address

Department of Political Science

University of Delhi

New Delhi -110007, India

Ph: (91-11) 27666670 (Work)


Research & Teaching Areas

♦ Global Governance of Knowledge Structures

♦ Genealogy of IR discipline and its Pedagogical Practices

♦ International Relations Theory

♦ International Security

♦ Gender Issues in IR

♦ Conflict & Political Violence

♦ South Asia/India

♦ Kashmir Conflict


3/2009-Present:     Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

10/2018-06/2019:  Visiting Fulbright Fellow, George Washington University, Washington DC.

10/2015-09/2018:  Head of the Department, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

1/2007-3/2009:     Professor, Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India.

7/2002- 12/2006:   Reader, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

4/1999-9/2000:    Assistant Director, Women in Security, Co-operation, Conflict Management and Peace (WISCOMP) at Foundation of Universal Responsibility, New Delhi, India.

4/1994-9/1998:      Assistant Research Professor, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India.


06/2015-07/2015:        IBIES, Erasmus Mundus Visiting Fellow, University of Warsaw, Poland.

06/2012-07/2012:        EXPERTS Visiting Fellow, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

04/2010-06/2010:        Erasmus Mundus Visiting Fellow, University of Bologna, Italy

06/2010-07/2010:        Erasmus Mundus Visiting Fellow, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

10/2001-6/2002:         Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, USA.

9/1997-1/1998:           Visiting Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

07/1996-onwards:       Visiting Faculty for the training module of Indian Foreign Service Probationers, Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi, India.

06/1995-07/1995:     Visiting Faculty for a short-term course on ‘Studying International Relations: A Course in Research Methods and Recent Trends’, at the American Studies Research Centre, Osmania University, Hyderabad. 


01/2001-01/2002:         Ford Foundation, New Delhi, India.

02/1999-04/1999:         Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India.

10/1998-12/1998:         Indian Council of Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, India


Ph.D.   1993:   International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.

M.Phil. 1990:   International Relations, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

M.A.    1988:   Political Science, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India.

B.A.     1986:   Political Science, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India. 


♦ Vice-President, International Studies Association (2019-2020).

♦ Pitt Global Visiting Scholar (Offered in 2020; On hold due to the pandemic), 2020.

♦ ICCR Chair in Indian Studies at University of Pittsburg, 2019-20 (Nominated).

♦ Featured Roundtable Speaker as part of the ISA’s Flagship Sapphire Series on “Reforming Global Governance,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February 2017.

♦ Founder Co-Chair, South Asia in World Politics Section, International Studies Association (2017-2018).

♦ Co-Chair, Global South Task Force, set up by International Studies Association Governing Council, 2017.

♦ Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship for Academic and Professional Excellence, at Sigur Centre for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, USA (2018-2019).

♦ Member-Secretary (Founder), Delhi School of Transnational Affairs, University of Delhi, 2017-2019.

♦ Honorary Director, Institute for Research on India and International Studies, 2008 (since its inception)-Present.

♦ Member, Special Task Force on Ladakh to look into its infrastructural needs by the Government of India. The Task Force was constituted for six months beginning September 2010. Its Report was submitted in February 2011 and the Government of India immediately accepted its recommendations and announced allocations for its implementation in the next financial budget.

♦ Scholar-in-Residence, Stella Maris College, Chennai, February 2010.

♦ Special Invitee, European Commission Visitors Programme, 2008.

♦ Series of Invited Talks cantering around my book titled Demystifying Kashmir at The Brookings Institution, Washington DC; Council on Foreign Relations, New York and International Institute of Strategic Studies in January-February. 2007.

♦ Asia Fellowship, Asian Scholarship Foundation (Bangkok), (awarded though not accepted) August 2005.

♦ Kodikara Award, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2000

♦ Regional Editor, Contemporary South Asia (Oxford), 1997-2005.

♦ Series of Invited Talks cantering around the Kashmir Conflict and the India-Pakistan Relations at The United States State Department, Washington D.C., Centre for International Security and Arms Control, Stanford University, the Cooperative Monitoring Centre, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque and Rand Corporation, Santa Monica (USA). January 1998.

♦ Series of Invited Talks as part of the Travelling Seminar on ‘Conflict Resolution in South Asia: Vision for the Future,’ at New Delhi, Calcutta in India and, Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan, organized by United States Information Service. December 1995.

♦ Special Invitee for a Study Tour involving several seminars/interactions at Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the State Department and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C., Kennedy School of Government and International Affairs, Harvard University, Boston, Council of Foreign Relations and University of Columbia, New York organized by the Mershon Centre for International Studies, Ohio State University, Ohio, USA. January 1995.

♦ Nehru Centenary Fellowship, Government of India, 1990-93.

♦ The State Government Scholarship for M.Phil. 1988-1989.

♦ The State Government Scholarship for M.A. 1986-1988.



  1. India Engages the World (Editor and Contributor), New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  2. Facing Global Environmental Change: Environment, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts (Vol. II) (Co-editor with Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Pal Dunay, Béchir Chourou, Patricia Kameri-Mbote and P.H. Liotta and Contributor), Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009.
  3. International Relations in South Asia: Search for an Alternative Paradigm (Editor and Contributor), New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2008.
  4. Demystifying Kashmir, Washington DC: Brookings Press, 2006.

♦ It topped India’s Top Ten Non-Fiction books list for three weeks in March-April 2007 (IANS News  and Yahoo news).

♦ Asia Policy (Number 3, January 2007) published a special Book Review Round-table on this book.

♦ South Asia edition (except Pakistan), New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2007.

  1. Facing Global Environmental Change and Globalization: Re-conceptualizing Security in the 21st Century (Vol. I) (Co-editor with Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Pal Dunay, Béchir Chourou, Patricia Kameri-Mbote and P.H. Liotta and Contributor) Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007.
  2. Gender, Conflict and Migration (Editor and Contributor), New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2006.
  3. State, People and Security: The South Asian Context (Editor and Contributor), New Delhi: Har-Anand, 2001.
  4. State, Identity and Violence: Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2000.

♦ Listed as one of India’s Top Ten Non-Fiction books in October 2000 by The Asian Age.

♦ Prescribed as ‘essential reading’ for a postgraduate course at Senshu University (2003) and for an undergraduate course at Waseda University since 2001. Both courses are taught by Prof. Takako Hirose (Kuboki).

♦ Prescribed as additional reading for the course on “China, Japan, India: State, Economy and Society” taught by Prof. Robin Jeffrey (co-teacher) in Masters of International Policy Studies, School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia.

  1. Perspectives on South Asia (Co-editor and Contributor), New Delhi: Konark Publishers, 2000.
  2. People-to-People Contacts in South Asia (Co-author), New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2000.
  3. Beyond Boundaries: A Report on the State of Non-Official Dialogues on Peace, Security and Cooperation in South Asia (Co-author), University of Toronto, 1997. 


  1. Conflict, Governance and Peace Building in Kashmir, CORE Policy Brief, Oslo: Peace Research Institute of Oslo, 2013.
  2. SAARC & Beyond:  Civil Society and Regional Integration in South Asia, SACEPS Policy Paper No. 19, Kathmandu, December 2008.
  3. India and the International Order: From Norms to Realpolitik, Occasional Paper, New Delhi: Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, 2005.
  4. Kashmir: Redefining the US Role, Brookings Policy Brief # 110, Washington DC: Brookings Institution, November 2002.
  5. Discourses on Security: South Asian Perspectives, Occasional Paper # III, Varanasi: Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, March 2001.
  6. India: Prospects for Conflict and Peace, Country Risk Profile-2000, Bern: Swiss Peace Foundation, 2000.
  7. Confidence Building Measures in South Asia (Co-author with P.R. Chari and Maroof Raza), New Delhi: Centre for Policy Research Monograph, January 1995.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

2021: “Provincializing IR Through A Reading of Dharma,” co-authored in Review of International Studies.

2021: “Globalization, deglobalization and knowledge production," International Affairs, 97 (5), September 2021, Pages 1579–1597,

2021: “From a Uni-verse to a Pluri-verse: IR’s Pasts and Futures,” Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations

2021: “Making Amends: Towards an Anti-Racist Critical Security Studies and International Relations,” co-authored in Security Dialogue, 52 (1_suppl), pages: 8-16.

2021: “Teaching a More ‘Rooted IR”, in a co-authored forum on “Differing About Difference: Relational IR from Around the World,” International Studies Perspectives, 24, 25-64 (49-52).

2021: “Teaching International Relations in India,” in a co-authored forum on “The Introductory Course in International Relations: Regional Variations,” International Studies Perspectives, vol. 22, 2021, 125-159 (150-153).

2020: “COVID-19: Democracies and (De)colonialities,” co-authored in Democratic Theory, 7 (2), Winter, 2020, 82-93.

2020: “State and Sovereignty,” in International Relations from the Global South: Worlds of Difference, eds., Arlene B. Tickner and Karen Smith, New York: Routledge, 2020.

2019: “Recrafting International Relations through Relationality,” co-authored in E-International Relations, January 2019,

2019: Interview on “Studying IR in the Global South,” for a Russian journal, Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 19 (2), pp. 302—305

2016: “Knowledge Production,” Special Issue on ‘Global IR and Regional Worlds,’ International Studies Review, March. DOI:

2016: “The Kashmir Conflict: Multiple Faultlines,” Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, 3(1): 41-63. DOI: 

2016: “Mapping Research and Teaching Trajectories: A Critical Turn in Indian IR,” International Relations, June.

2016: “Agency, autonomy and compliance in (post-)conflict situations: Perspectives from Jammu and Kashmir, Cyprus and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Co-authored with Elena B. Stavrevska, Sumona DasGupta and Birte Vogel in Cultures of Governance and Peace: A Comparison of EU and Indian Theoretical and Policy Approaches, (eds.), J. Peter Burgess, Oliver Richmond and Ranabir Sammadar, Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming.

2012: “Internal Conflicts and Governance: Understanding India’s Praxis,” in Norms and Premises of Peace Governance: Socio-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Europe and India, eds., Janel B. Galvanek, Hans J. Giessmann and Mir Mubashir, Berghof Occasional Paper No. 32, Berlin, Berghof Foundation.

2011: “Re-Framing the Conflict,” in A Tangled Web: Jammu & Kashmir, ed., Ira Pande, New Delhi: Harper Collins.

2009: “IR in South Asia: ‘A Realist Past and Alternative Futures’” in Global Scholarship in International Relations: Worlding Beyond the West (Geo-cultural Epistemologies), Vol.1, eds., Arlene Tickner and Ole Waever, London: Routledge.

2008: “Recapturing the Spirit of Article 370: Indian Constitution and the Federal Framework in J&K,” in Consolidating Peace in Jammu & Kashmir, eds., Dipankar Banerjee and Mallika Joseph, New Delhi: Samskriti.

2007: “Re-Imagining IR in India”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 7:3. DOI:

2007: “The Security Problematique in South Asia: Alternative Conceptualizations,” in Facing Global Environmental Change and Globalization: Re-conceptualizing Security in the 21st Century, Vol. I, eds., Hans Günter Brauch et. al., Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

2006: “The Rhetorics of the Kashmiri Militant Movement: Azadi or Jihad,” in Rising India – Europe’s Partner?, eds., Klaus Voll and Doreen Beierlein, Berlin: WeiBensee Verlag.

2004: “The Long Road Ahead: Engendering Conflict Analysis in South Asia”, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 11:1, January-March.

2003: “Jammu & Kashmir: Limits of the Hindu Nationalism”, Identity, Culture and Politics: An Afro Asian Dialogue, 5:2, December.

2002: “Forging New Solidarities: Non-Official Dialogues”, in Searching for Peace in Central and South Asia, eds., Monique Mekenkamp, Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

2002: “Kashmir: A Testing Ground”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 25:3, December. DOI:

2000: “‘Autonomy’ in J&K: The Forgotten Identities of Ladakh”, Faultlines, vol. 6, August.

1999: “State, Identity and Violence: Modern India and Kashmir,” Theoretical Perspectives, vol. 6.

1997: “State Formation Processes, Weak States and Sustainable Development in South Asia,” in Sustainable Development, Environmental Security and Disarmament Interface in South Asia, ed., D.D. Khanna, New Delhi: Macmillan.

1997: “India-Pakistan Relations: Alternative Foreign Policy Options,” in India’s Foreign Policy: Agenda for Twenty First Century, New Delhi: Konark Publishers.

1996: “Perpetuating the Divide: Political Abuse of History in South Asia,” Contemporary South Asia, 5:2, July. DOI:

1996: “State Making, Weak States and Foreign Policies: A Comparative Perspective of India and Pakistan,” BIISS Journal, 17:1.

1996: “Linkages Between Domestic Politics and Diplomacy: Case of India and Pakistan,” in Domestic Politics and Diplomacy in South Asia, ed., Baladas Ghosal, New Delhi: Manohar Publishers.

1995: “Enemy Images: Media and Indo-Pakistani Tensions,” in India and Pakistan: Crisis-Prevention, Confidence Building and Reconciliation, eds., Michael Krepon and Amit Sevak, New York: St. Martin Press.

1994: “India’s Nuclear Policy: Changing Thrusts,” in Understanding South Asia, ed., S.D. Muni, New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.

1993: “Nuclear Fission in Former Soviet Union and Implications for India’s Nuclear Policy,” in The Soviet Collapse: Implications for India, ed., B.S. Brar, New Delhi: Ajanta Publishers.

1993: “Confidence Building Measures: A Theoretical Framework,” in International Relations and Pan-Europe Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings, Hamberg/Munster-Lit-Verlag, 1993. An earlier version of this paper was published in Confidence Building, Verification and Conversion, ed., Hans Gunter Brauch, AFES-PRESS (Arbeitsgruppe Friedensforschung Und Europaische Sicherheitspolitik), No. 39, Mosbach, 1993. 

Other Non-Refereed Publications

2012: Report on “A Perception Survey of Media Impact on the Kashmiri Youth,” New Delhi: Institute for Research on India and International Studies.

2011: “Causes of the Kashmir Conflict and the Governance Initiatives for the Conflict Resolution,” in a periodical IndiaIndie (published in Italian), No. 4, 2011 by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and TWAI - Torino World Affairs Institute.

2002: “Pakistani Choices”, Middle East Insight, 17:1, January-February.

2000: “Article 370: The Principle and the Realpolitik”, and “A Fully Federal India,” Himal: South Asia, 13:6, June.

1996: “J&K (& L & D & G...): Making and Unmaking Identities,” Himal: South Asia, 9:8, November-December.


(M.Phil Level at Delhi University)

Doing IR: Exploring Alternative Trajectories (Elective paper)

Research Methodology (Core Paper)

Changing Dimensions of International Security (Elective paper)

Global Political Economy (Elective paper)

(Masters Level at Delhi University)

Theories of International Relations (Core Paper)

Themes in World Politics and International Political Economy (Core Paper)

State and Political Violence in South Asia (Elective paper)

Pakistan and the World (Elective paper)

International Political Economy (Core Paper)

Contemporary International Politics (Elective paper)

(Masters Level at Jamia Millia Islamia University)

Conflict Analysis (Core Paper)

Key Conflicts in South Asia (Core Paper)


Additional Courses Designed 

(Masters Level at Delhi University)

Indian Strategic Thought (Elective paper)

Gender in International Relations (Elective paper)

International Security (Elective paper)

(Undergraduate Level at Delhi University: In collaboration)

Global Politics (BA Honors, Core Paper)

Understanding South Asia (BA Honors, Elective paper)

Perspectives on International Relations (BA Honors, Core Paper)

Understanding Global Conflicts (BA Honors, Core paper)

India’s Foreign Policy (BA Honors, Core Paper)

Conflict and Peace Studies (BA Honors, Elective, Applied paper)

Theories of IR and World History (BA Honors, Core Paper)

UN and Global Conflicts (BA Honors, Elective paper)

The African Experience (BA Honors, Elective paper)

Introduction to International Relations (BA Program, Core Paper)

A Globalizing World (BA Program, Core Paper)

(Masters Level at Jamia Millia Islamia University: In collaboration)

State, Nation and Governance (Core Paper)

Colonialism, Modernity and Conflict (Core Paper)

Religion, Violence and Peace (Core Paper)

Indian Strategic Thought (Elective paper)


  1. Teaching, Research, and International Project (TRIP) Survey

Participation in the Teaching, Research, and International Project (TRIP) Survey, which is conducted by the College of William and Mary, USA. It attempts to describe and explain changes in the IR discipline and also explores the relationship between the academic and policy worlds. 2014.

Role: Project Leader of the Indian team at the Institute for Research on India and International Studies

(IRIIS), New Delhi, India.

  1. Pedagogical Practices: A Comparative Study of the Global North and the Global South

This is an individual project that seeks to document how students at Masters level are introduced to the disciplinary knowledge of International Relations discipline with a special focus on its theoretical approaches both in terms of the content of the syllabi and scholarly writings used for teaching such courses. The objective is to map out the best practices used by a sample of nearly 150 universities located in the Global North and the Global South and, based on its findings, devise teachers training workshops to transform the way IR is taught in India. 2014-2015.

Role: Project Leader & Contributor at IRIIS, New Delhi, India.

  1. Sustainability and International Relations

This project explores the relationship between sustainability and International Relations theory and practice because there are physical limits to the Earth’s planetary well-being, limits which directly and/or indirectly affects the well-being of human societies across borders.  The idea is to build a discourse on international relations from the point of view of sustainability of the planetary boundaries. It’s a collaborative venture between Institute for Research on India and International Studies (IRIIS) and the Global Centre for the Study of Sustainable Futures and Spirituality. This project will result in the publication of a book entitled, Rethinking International Relations:  Sustainability, Planetary Boundaries and our Global Future. 2014-2017.

Role: Project Coordinator at IRIIS, New Delhi, India.

  1. Re-working the ‘Knowledge Structures’ in International Relations: Indian Contributions

This project self-consciously seeks to step outside the ‘box’ of Western theoretical frameworks and develop an alternative toolkit of conceptual frameworks, narratives, methodologies and resources for ‘doing IR’ in fundamentally different ways. Drawing from the textual and everyday experiences of ‘lived IR’ in India, its long-term objective is to create an alternative trajectory for the Indian IR while simultaneously preparing building blocs for transforming the discipline of IR. 2014-2016.

Role: Project Leader & Contributor at IRIIS, New Delhi, India.

  1. The Role of Governance in the Resolution of Socio-economic and Political Conflicts in India and Europe

This project analysed the premises and operation of governance initiatives in conflict transformation processes in India and Europe through a combination of fieldwork, qualitative analysis and theory development. It carried out case studies encompassing recent governance practices in Bihar, Bosnia, Cyprus, Georgia, North East India and Kashmir, through collaboration between Indian and European research teams. The project wass spearheaded by PRIO (Peace Research Institute of Oslo) and funded by the European Union for a period of three years. 2011-2013.

Role: Project Leader in the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, India. 

  1. U-21 Collaborative Masters-level Course

This is a collaborative teaching program involving the University of Melbourne, Australia, University of Birmingham, UK and the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi as part of the global Universitas-21 network. The Masters-level coursework titled, ‘Security in a Globalised World: New and Emerging Challenges’ was co-designed and co-delivered for the first time, at the University of Delhi, India. January-February 2011. The theme for the 2012 Workshop was ‘Security and Development in South Asia’, and for the 2013 Workshop was ‘Traditional and New Security Challenges: South Asia in a Global Perspective.’ 2011-2013.

Role: Project Leader and Convener in the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, India.

  1. A Perception Survey of Media Impact on the Kashmiri Youth

This project aimed at understanding the relative popularity and efficacy of various channels of information availed by the Kashmiri youth in order to assess the factors, which are influencing their mindsets. It included both the 'new' modes of communication such as web-based source including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube as well as 'old' like public discussions at the local Kandur (bakery shop) prayer meetings at the mohalla mosques and, 'conventional' modes such as TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. The purpose was to generate policy options for fostering a better interface between the government and the media on the Kashmir issue and cultivating spaces for critical debates on contemporary issues of socio-political and economic significance. 2011-2012.

Role: Project Leader at IRIIS, New Delhi, India.

  1. Exchange by Promoting Quality Education, Research and Training in South and South-East Asia (EXPERTS).

The EXPERTS aimed to establish an innovative framework for capacity development of junior faculty staff, undergraduates, postgraduates, and postdoc researchers through training and upgrading their skills in specified fields of study through a scheme of structured mobility. This consortium, funded by the European Union, comprised 20 partner universities, 7 European and 13 South and Southeast Asian (from Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand) higher education institutions. 2010-2013.

Role: Project Leader and Key Coordinator on behalf of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, India. 

  1. IR Textbook: A Global South Perspective

This is a collective endeavour led by Arlene B. Tickner (Universidad de Andes), Nizar Missari (Al Akhawayn University), and Lily Ling (The New School) and including several other scholars from Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Europe to bring out a IR textbook from the perspective of the Global South. A contract with Routledge, USA has been signed for its publication, due in the year 2015.

Role: Contributor.

  1. World of International Relations Scholarship: Geo-Cultural Epistemologies

This project, led by Arlene B. Tickner, Universidad de Andes, Ole Weaver, University of Copenhagen and David Blaney, Macalester College, explored why, despite powerful allegations that the field of international relations is indifferent to scholarly practices and policy issues outside the West, few contributions from the non-core have been successful in gaining recognition as legitimate sources of IR knowledge. It objective was to explore non-core concepts and theories that speak to many of the discipline’s current concerns in order to identify potential footing for a post-hegemonic IR that is sensitive to the political and social implications of knowledge production in the field. 2008-Present.

Role: Contributor.


Select International/National Conferences Organized (Last 5 Years)

2018: As part of the UGC CAS-SAP program of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, worked with colleagues to organise three national/international seminars and workshops on “Revisiting Peace and Security in Contemporary World: Interventions from India,” (May); “Beyond Identities: Reflections from South Asian Imaginaries of Nation and Universe” (March); “States of Statelessness: Unorthodox Solutions to Dispossession in Southern Asia,” (February); “Polity as Fiction: Fiction as Reality: Fifty Years of Raag Darbari,” (January) at the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi.

2017: Worked with Goa University to win a global call for workshops and organised an international workshop for ‘Early Career Researchers in International Relations,’ on the theme of “World Order and Peace: International Politics in the 21st Century in a Global Perspective,” and, an adjoining International Workshop for ‘Early Career Researchers in International Relations,’ (specially for Indian scholars) on “Evolving Global Order and International Relations: Perspectives from the Global South,” at Goa University, Goa. December.

2017: As part of the UGC CAS-SAP program of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, worked with colleagues to organise three national/international seminars on “Democracy and Rights Discourse in India: Norms, Institutions and Practices,” (July); “Problematizing Sexuality and Violence: Deconstructing Institutions, Norms and Narratives in India,” (August); “Democratizing Governance in India,” (September) along with a National Workshop on “Feminist Methodology,” (September) at the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi.

2017: Organized a Collaborative Networking and Research Workshop on “Security Problematiques: Knowledge Production and Praxis” at Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, on 13 February 2017.

2016: Three international workshops on ‘Alternative Cosmologies and Knowledge Systems in International Relations,’ that were conceived as a global endeavor to think through ways of doing IR differently including a rethink of the very ‘idea of the international’ and, how to embark on this challenging journey in the immediate future to the long term. Supported by WISC, ICSSR and MAKAIS, these were attended by fifty scholars from around the globe.

2014: A Brainstorming Session on the need and ways for organizing a series of Teachers Training Workshops across India on introducing new pedagogical devices and making available good resource materials for teaching the core papers in International Relations at the Masters level, at Institute for Research on India and International Studies, New Delhi. February.

2013: A Series of Pedagogical Workshops to revise and prepare new courses on ‘Theories of IR and World History,’ ‘Perspectives on International Relations,’ ‘Global Politics,’ and ‘Indian Foreign Policy,’ among others for the Delhi University’s New Four-year Undergraduate program on Political Science. March-April.

2012: The First Annual Convention on the Indian Association of International Studies in collaboration with the Institute for Research on India and International Studies on “The Dawning of the Asian Century: Emerging Challenges Before the Theory and Practice of IR in India,” at New Delhi. This Convention involved twenty-five panels, seven workshops and six plenary sessions with almost one hundred and fifty speakers and more than 500 scholars participating in its program. December.

2012: A Workshop to discuss the findings of the report, “A Perception Survey of Media Impact on the Kashmiri Youth,” at New Delhi. It was chaired by Jammu & Kashmir’s Chief Minister, Mr. Omar Abdullah and the panelists included Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera, Dileep Padgaonkar, former Executive Managing Editor, Times of India, Ahmed Ali Fayyaz, Srinagar Bureau Chief, Early Times, and Nidhi Razdan, Primary Anchor, NDTV 24x7 News Channel. January. A similar Workshop was held at Srinagar that was chaired by Jammu & Kashmir’s Governor, N.N. Vohra and the panelists included Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera, Bashir Manzar, Editor, Kashmir Images, Prof. Neera Chandhoke, University of Delhi and Riyaz Masroor, BBC Correspondent in Kashmir. February.

Select Invited Lectures/Presentations

2021: Presented a paper on “How ‘global’ is Global IR?” at a panel on “Global International Relations: Prospects and Challenges,” 7 April 2021.

2021: Presented a co-authored paper on “Relationality in IR and the Philosophy of ‘Dharma’" at a panel on “Relational Voices in IR-III: Resistance, Decolonization, and Relationality,” 7 April 2021.

2021: Panelist for a Roundtable on “How to Succeed in Making IR Your Vocation: A Global South-North Conversation,” 7 April 2021.

2021: Panelist for a Roundtable on ‘Deglobalization?’ at the Annual convention of the International Studies Association on ‘Globalization, Regionalism and Nationalism: Contending forces in World Politics,’ 6 April 2021.

2020: Delivered a (web) lecture on “Postcolonialism in IR” at the Ryukoku University, 26th November 2020.

2020: Presented a paper on “Worlding the World: Some Interventions from India,” as part of a webinar on ‘Eurocentrism in International Relations and Interventions from India’, at the Kamla Nehru college, University of Delhi, 6 November 2020.

2020: Delivered a lecture on “Foreign Policy in the Times of Covid-19,” at Miranda House, 5 November 2020.

2020: Panelist for the “Chao Track: India-Pakistan Track II Dialogue,” at New Delhi, 3 October 2020.

2020: Panelist for a webinar on “Re-envisioning Regionalism in South Asia in the Post-COVID Era,” Organized by Observer Research Foundation, Kolkatta, 17 July 2020.

2020: Panelist for a webinar on “Kashmir Dialogue,” Organized by Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, 26 May 2020.

2020: Panelist for a webinar on “Re-envisioning Regionalism in South Asia in the Post-COVID Era,” Organized by Observer Research Foundation, Kolkatta, 17 July 2020.

2019: Panelist for a conference on “Kashmir After 370,” Organized by Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, 19 November 2019.

2019: Invited lecture on “If the Streets Could Talk! Unraveling the Kashmir Conflict,” The Hudson Institute, Washington DC, 15 July 2019.

2019: Talk on “Critical Pedagogy in International Relations: The Missing Leg from the Global South,” at the Sigur Centre for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 10 July 2019.

2019: Chaired sessions in the Indian Council for Cultural Relations-Rutgers University Conference on “Delivering Democracy,” organized by the India’s Consul-General Office in New York on 22 February 2019.

2019: Delivered lectures on “Re-crafting International Relations” and “Gender, Conflict, and Migration” at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida on 24-25 February 2019.

2019: Delivered a talk on “The Kashmir Conflict: Multiple Narratives and Hidden Fault Lines,” at the University of Mary Washington on 18 March 2019.

2019: Panellist for a Roundtable Discussion on “Crisis in Kashmir: Escalation, Opportunity, or Business as Usual?,” at Sigur Centre for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 21 March, 2019.

2019: Chaired and led the discussion on “Local and Global Networking,” as part of the “First Emerging Global South Scholars Workshop,” at the Annual Convention of International Studies Association on ‘Re-visioning International Studies: Innovation and Progress’ at Toronto on 27 March 2019.

2019: Participated as a Mentor in the “Intergenerational Café: Academic Strategies for and from the Global South,” at the ISA Convention on 28 March 2019.

2019: Panellist for a Roundtable on “A Century of International Relations: Reflections on the Origins, Exclusions and Limitations of a Discipline,” at the ISA Convention on 28 March 2019.

2019: Panellist for a Roundtable on “Diversity in Security Studies: Perspectives, Reflections and Data,” at the ISA Convention on 28 March 2019.

2019: Panellist for a Roundtable on “Does the Global South Need De-colonial/ Post-colonial Theory: A Debate,” at the ISA Convention on 30 March 2019.

2019: Panellist for a Roundtable on “Re-visioning International Studies: How to Avoid Sleepwalking into Theoretical Dead-ends?” at the ISA Convention on 30 March 2019.

2019: Delivered lecture on “Teaching IR in the Global South,” at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska on 25 April 2019. This was also part of a week-long visit as part of the Fulbright’s Outreach lecturing program for Fulbright fellows. Also, participated in a research seminar on “Inclusive Education Policy From a Critical Perspective.” 

2019: Delivered the Visiting Fellows Seminar on “Critical Pedagogy in International Relations: The Missing Leg,” at the Sigur Centre for Asian Studies, George Washington University on 10 July 2019.

2019: Delivered a talk on “'If the Streets Could Talk! Unravelling the Kashmir Conflict,” at the Hudson Institute, Washington DC on 15 July 2019.

2017: Speaker in a Semi-Plenary Roundtable on “The Profession of IR in a Global Perspective,” at the WISC Fifth Global International Studies Conference at Taipei, Taiwan, April.

2017: Featured roundtable speaker as part of the Sapphire Series on “Reforming Global Governance,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February.

2017: Panelist for Presidential Roundtable Discussion on “Of Knowing and Changing the Idea of the International”; and, “Global IR and Pathways for Change in IR Theory,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February.

2016: Invited paper on “Political Identities, Sovereign States and Civilizational Pathways: Exploring Alternate Futures,” in an international conference on “Civilizations in Embrace: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Ideas, Peace and World Order,” at University of Maryland, College Park, USA, March.

2015: Presidential Roundtable Discussion on “Advancing Global IR: Challenges and Prospects”; and a Panelist for the Presidential Roundtable Discussion on “Post-Western IR: What is It and How Does it Work?,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” at New Orleans, USA, February

2015: Presented a paper on “A Stakeholders Approach for Developing Conflict Knowledge,” at the ISA Venture workshop on “Conflict Expertise: Competing Knowledges/Heterogenous Experts,” organized by the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts, University of Copenhagen, at New Orleans, USA, 17 February 2015.

2015: Panelist in a Roundtable Discussion on “Mentoring Women in the Global South,” along with Juliana Belisario, Jacqueline Braveboy‐Wagner, Runa Das, Aparana Devare and Jennifer Ramos at the ISA’s 56th Annual Convention on “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” at New Orleans, USA, 18 February 2015.

2015: Presented a paper on “Statist Discourses and ‘Lived Realities’: An Alternate Praxis for Theorizing IR,” for a Presidential panel on “Re-Imagining the Precincts of IR: Ideas and Practices in Motion,” at the ISA’s 56th Annual Convention on “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” at New Orleans, USA, 19 February 2015.         

2015: Invited Speaker on a Semi-Plenary on “After Empire: New Legacies for International Thought,” at the EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, September.     

2015: Participated in the Authors Workshop on “Assembling Ignorant Expertise about International Conflict Resolution,” at the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 21 October 2015.

2014: Opening Plenary Roundtable Speaker on “IR Theory Beyond the West? Prospects for a Global IR Discipline,” along with Barry Buzan, Gunther Hellmann, Andrei Melville and Knud Erik Jorgensen at the 4th Global International Studies Conference organized by World International Studies Committee (WISC) at Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany. August.

2012: Keynote Speaker on “Multiculturalism in Asia: Civilizational Ethos and Modern Practices,” at the Second Afrasian International Symposium on Multiculturalism in Asia organized by the Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University. Kyoto, Japan. November. 

2012: Lecture on “The Kashmir Interlocutors Report: From a Policy ‘Lag’ to a ‘Lack’ of Policy,” at Centre for Multilevel Federalism, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi. August.

2012: Lecture on “Doing IR in India: A ‘Realist’ Past and Future Alternatives,” at the University of Melbourne, Australia. May.

2012: Lecture on “Unravelling the Enmity: Statist Discourses and ‘Lived’ Realities of India-Pakistan Relations,” for a Refresher Course on ‘Peace and Conflict Studies.’ The Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. March. 

2012: Lecture on “Gender, Conflict and Security,” for the Jointly-taught Course on Traditional and New Security Challenges: South Asia in a Global Perspective,” organized by University of Delhi, University of Melbourne and University of Birmingham under the Universitats-21 Network held at New Delhi. February.

2011: Talk on “Epistemology and IR,” at the National International Relations Conference, The Ministry of External Affairs and the Centre for Policy Research. New Delhi. October.   

2011: Lecture on “Armed Conflicts and Wars in South Asia,” for the Jointly-taught Course on Security in a Globalized World: New and Emerging Challenges,” organized by University of Delhi, University of Melbourne and University of Birmingham under the Universitats-21 Network held at New Delhi, February.

2011: Public Lecture on “Japan-India Dialogue on Eurasian Security: The Kashmir Challenge and its Impact on Neighboring Areas." Sasakawa Peace Foundation at Tokyo, Japan. February.

2011: Lecture on “Indian IR and its Foreign Policy.” Shobi University, Tokyo, Japan. February.  

2010: Plenary Lecture on “Human Security: Contributions from South Asia,” at the Peace Research Association (IPRA) Global Conference on “Communicating Peace.” University of Sydney, Australia. July.

2010: Lecture on “Gender, Conflict and Forced Migration: Sharing Experiences from South Asia,” at University of Bologna, Italy. April.  

2010: Dr Kamala Aravind Endowment Lecture on “Re-imagining International Relations in India,” at Stella Maris College, Chennai. February.  

2009: Talk on “Pakistan-Perspective in Changing Regional Environment and Internal Imbalances” at Army War College. Mhow, M.P. August.

Select Papers Presented (Last 10 Years)

2017: “Political Thought and IR Theory: Does the Twain Meet?” at the WISC Fifth Global International Studies Conference at Taipei, Taiwan, April.

2017: “What has ‘Dharma’ Got to do with IR Theorizing,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February.

2016: “Alternative Trajectories for South Asian Peace,” at the International Studies Association’s Annual Convention on “Exploring Peace,” at Atlanta, USA, March.

2015: “Mapping the Embedded Pluralities: Societal Bases of Political Authority in Indian Traditions,” at the EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, September.

2014: “Modernity, Social Knowledge and Statecraft,” as part of a Panel on ‘Issues in IR Theory: Looking for Alternative Explanations,” at the 4th Global International Studies Conference organized by World International Studies Committee (WISC) at Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany. August.

2013: “State and Sovereignty: Singular Notion, Multiple Histories,” International Workshop on ‘International Relations Theory: Views beyond the West,’ at the New School, New York. October.

2013: “Eroded Autonomy: The Case of Jammu & Kashmir,” at the Summer School on ‘Human Rights, Minorities and Federalism,’ by European Academy Bolzano (EURAC) at New Delhi. April.     

2013: “Diplomacy and the Academe in the Indian IR: Ever the Twain Shall Meet?,” at the International Studies Association Annual Convention on “The Politics of International Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions,” San Francisco, USA. April.

2012: “Sovereignty and the State,” at an International Workshop on ‘International Relations Theory: Views Beyond the West,” at Al Alkhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco. October.

2012: "Rethinking Foreign Policy and Diplomacy in a Globalizing World," at the National Conference on ‘Emerging Frontiers of Indian Foreign Policy', Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh. March.         

2012: “Doing “IR” in India: A “Realist” Past and Future Alternatives,” at an International Workshop on ‘Theorizing Asia: The Development of Post-Western IR Theory,’ O.P Jindal Global University, Sonepat, India. February.

2011: “Socio-Cultural and Political Premises of Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Initiatives in India,” at Berghof Conflict Research Centre, Berlin, Germany. June.

2010: “Inter-Provincial Relations in Jammu & Kashmir: “Old” Ties and “New” Bonds,” at a conference on ‘Conflict in Jammu & Kashmir: Impact on Society, Polity and Economy,’ Jammu University and Centre for Security Analysis, Jammu, India. September.    

2010: “The Security Problematique in South Asia: Alternative Conceptualizations,” at the Peace Research Association (IPRA) Global Conference on ‘Communicating Peace,’ at University of Sydney, Australia, July.  

2008: “SAARC & Beyond:  Civil Society and Regional Integration in South Asia,” at the Inception Workshop on Supporting Network of Research Institutes and Think Tank in South Asia, Asian Development Bank, Bangkok, Thailand. September.  

2007: “Jihad in Kashmir,” at the 7th IISS South Asia Security Conference on ‘Islam, Politics and Security in South Asia,’ organized by International Institute of Strategic Studies at Muscat. Oman. April.

2007: “Multiple Voices and Fractured Spaces: Jammu and Kashmir Across the Line-Of-Control,” at an International Conference on ‘India and Pakistan: Understanding the Conflict Dynamics,’ organized by Pakistan Studies Programme, Academy of Third World Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. April. 

2006: “Involving the Stakeholders: Key to Developing South Asian Conflict Resolution Mechanisms,” at a Conference on ‘Envisioning South Asia,’ organized by South Asian Free Media Association, Islamabad, Pakistan. April.

2006: “Unravelling Enmity: Constructing Humane Spaces in India-Pakistan Relations,” at an International Workshop on ‘International Relations Theory and South Asia,’ organized by University of Pennsylvania Institute for Advanced Study of India, New Delhi. March.

2005: “Re-imagining IR in India,” at an International Workshop on ‘Why There is No Non-Western Theory: Reflections on and from Asia,’ at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. July.

2004: “A South Asian Debate on Peace and Security: An Alternative Formulation in the Post- Cold War Era,” for a panel on ‘General and Environmental Security in Asia,’ at the Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference on ‘Constructing World Orders,’ Hague, Netherlands. September.

2004: “Meta Narratives and Subaltern Voices: Role of the Ford Foundation in South Asia,” for a panel on ‘Geo-Cultural Epistemologies in IR: The State of International Relations Around the World,’ and “Silences in South Asian IR: A Theory-Building Enterprise,” for a Panel on  ‘Why is There No Asian IR Theory,’ at the 45th Annual Convention of International Studies Association on ‘Hegemony and Its Discontents: Power, Ideology and Knowledge in the Study and Practice of International Relations,’ Montreal, Canada. March.

Select List of Participation (Last 10 Years)

2017: Chaired a Panel Discussion on “Theorizing International Relations by Drawing on Indian Intellectual History,” at the WISC Fifth Global International Studies Conference at Taipei, Taiwan, April.

2017: Panelist for a Roundtable Discussion on “Rethinking IR in South Asia,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February.

2017: Chaired a Presidential Panel Discussion on “Re-Making the State: The Churning within South Asia,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Understanding Change in World Politics,” at Baltimore, USA, February.

2016: Track-II Dialogue on “Indo-Pak Relations,” organized by Chaporiya Dialogue at Bangkok. August.

2016: Chaired a panel discussion on “Looking for Peace in South Asian Conflict Zones at the International Studies Association Annual Convention on “Exploring Peace,” at Atlanta, USA March.

2015: Panel Discussion on “What’s Wrong with a Singular World,” at the ISA Annual Convention on “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” at New Orleans, USA, February.

2015: Panelist in an international seminar on “India as a Global Actor: New Challengs and Opportunities,” at Institute for International Relations, University of Warsaw, Poland. June.

2015: Roundtable Discussion on “Is there a European Approach to International Relations? The Future of International Relations Discipline in Europe,” at the EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, September.

2015: Roundtable Discussion on “Insecurity Complexes: Different Views,” at the RESHAPE, 3rd Annual Workshop at Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Sicily, Italy. June.

2014: Special Invitee, The World International Studies Committee (WISC) Strategy Meeting at Frankfurt, Germany. August.

2013: Roundtable discussion for setting up a South Asian Collective for the international journal on Postcolonial Studies, by the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, New Delhi. November.

2013: Special invitee for the first training workshop of the INDIGO initiative that aimed at strengthening EU-India STI collaboration for establishing a network of Focal Points to provide dedicated support to Indian scientists for participation in FP7/Horizon 2020 projects. Pune. August.  

2013: Roundtable Discussion on “Worlding Beyond the West,” at the International Studies Association Annual Convention on ‘The Politics of International Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions,’ San Francisco, USA. April.

2012: Panel discussion on “Georgia and Kashmir: Comparing Governance in Areas of Dispute,” at the Conference on ‘EU and India: Approaches to Conflict and Peace,’ Instituto Affari Internazionali at Rome, Italy. October.  

2012: Workshop for the Indian Ocean Task Force organized by the Australia-India Institute, held at Perth, Australia. May.

2011: The Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) Workshop to discuss the final volume on “India and the World” as part of its Research Survey exercise for assessing the state of the art of the discipline of Political Science. February.

2010: Panel Discussion on “Kashmir Reclaiming Paradise Lost,” as part of the the 2010 Norris and Margery Bendetson EPIIC International Symposium on ‘South Asia: Conflict, Culture, Complexity and Change,’ organized by the Institute for Global Leadership, TUFTS University, Boston, USA. February.

2008: The First Annual IISS-CITI India Global Forum at New Delhi, April.

2008: Panel Discussion on “Dialoguing Peace in Kashmir,” organized by the Public Service Broadcasting Trust, New Delhi. August.


♦ Co-Chair, Global South Task Force, set up by International Studies Association Governing Council, 2017.

♦ Co-Section Chair, Section on South Asia in World Politics, International Studies Association, 2016-17.

♦ Member, Long Range Planning Committee, International Studies Association, Nominated for two years period from February 2015-February 2017.

♦ Member, Programming Committee, 4th Global International Studies Conference organized by World International Studies Committee at Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany, 2014.

♦ Member, Committee on the Status of Women, International Studies Association, March 2014-March 2016.

♦ External Expert for evaluation of Major Research Projects granted by the University Grants Commission, 2014.

♦ External Expert for evaluation of USEFI Fulbright Fellowships, 2014.

♦ Member, Academic Advisory Council, European Review of International Studies, 2013-Present.

♦ External Expert for evaluation of Commonwealth Fellowships by Government of India, 2012-2013, 2013-14.

♦ External Expert for evaluation of Department Special Assistance Programs granted by the University Grants Commission, 2012.

♦ Member, Editorial Board, Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations (Routledge), 2007-Present

♦ Member, Organizing Committee, Third International APISA (Asian Political and International Studies Association) Congress at New Delhi. November 2007.

♦ Member, Executive Committee, Asian Political and International Studies Association, 2003-04.

♦ Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Peace Research and European Security Studies (Arbeitsgruppe Friedensforschung Und Europaische Sicherheitspolitik), 2005-2009.

♦ Member, Executive Committee of India Chapter, Coalition for Action on South Asian Cooperation (New Delhi), 2001-2003

♦ Member, Editorial Board, Theoretical Perspectives (Dhaka), 2000-2005.


♦ Member, Departmental Committee on Courses, 2012-2014.

♦ Convener & Member, Departmental Purchase Committee, 2012-2013.

♦ Convener & Member, Departmental Library Committee, 2002-2005; 2009-2012.

♦ Member, Selection Board for Assistant Professor-level appointments in various colleges affiliated with the Delhi University.

♦ Convener & Member, Departmental Exams Committee, 2011-2012.

♦ Convener & Member, Departmental Committee for M.Phil Reforms, 2011-2012.

♦ Member, Departmental Research Committee, 2002-2007; 2009-2014.

♦ Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee to Department of African Studies, 2010-2013.

♦ Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee to Department of Music, 2009-2012.

♦ Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee to Department of Punjabi Studies, 2011-2014.

♦ Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee to North-eastern Students for Women, 2010-2012.


English and Hindi.


Female. Born: 9 April 1967, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Married; one child.