Prof. Rekha Saxena

Designation: Professor and Head, Department of Political Science                                                                                                 

Other Positions:  Hon. Vice-Chairperson, Centre for Multilevel Federalism, N.Delhi

Hon. Senior Advisor, Forum of Federations, Ottawa

Convener, The Comparative Federalists Research Group, Department      of Political Science, University of Delhi

Educational & Research Qualifications 

Ph.D in Political Science from Department of Political Science, University of Delhi in 2002 on the dissertation topic “Intergovernmental Agencies in Federal Systems: A Comparative Study of Canada and India”.

M.Phil in  Political Science from Department of Political Science, University of Delhi in 1993 on the dissertation topic “Changing Nature of the Party System in India’’ 

Masters’ in Political Science from Hindu College, University of Delhi in 1991.

Bachelor’s in Political Science from Hindu College, University of Delhi in 1989.

Class XII in 1986 from A.I.S.S.C.E board  with distinction in three subjects. Honoured with National Award & Merit Certificate.

Fellowships / Awards / Assignments/ Positions Held 

♦ Selected for MHRD’s Leadership for Academicians Programme  (LEAP). Completed the Indian component of the course but the Harvard training programme was postponed due to COVID-19.

♦ Nominated as a member of the editorial board of JOE JOURNAL OF ELECTIONS, published by Election Commission of India, New Delhi. 

♦ Invited by China Association for International Friendly Contact as a part of Institute of Social Sciences delegation to visit China from July 30- August 05, 2017 for exchanging views on promoting people- to –people contact between the two countries.

♦ Invited by Stiftung Neumann Foundation to Germany as a part of a delegation on ‘Smart cities’ from 4-11 March, 2017.

♦ Appointed as a Member of the Advisory Board of the Global Forum on Autonomy and Governance 2016, Philippines .

♦ Formerly a member of the board of IPSA RC 28 on comparative federalism.

♦ Appointed as the Lead Coordinator from Delhi University on the theme “ Intergovernmental relations in India”   for the Leverhulme  international network  UK on the theme “Indian federalism: Continuity and Change”.

♦ Invited as an international expert to a workshop on “Support of Consolidating Democratic Transition: Nepal” organized by Forum of Federations, Canada in Nepal in July 2015 to interact with the Constituent Assembly members and civil society organizations.

♦ Invited to Switzerland as an international expert and Resource person to deliver lectures in a specialized course on Federalism at the Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland in August 2012.

♦ Visiting Faculty at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta for a week in June,2012.

♦ Invited to Germany as part of a parliamentary delegation from India on the Theme  “Federalism and Construction of local and regional government structures" during 17 – 21 October 2011.

♦ Recipient of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute's Faculty Enrichment Award  to visit Canada in 2011.

♦ Recipient of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute's Doctoral Fellowship to visit Canada in 1998-1999. In Canada, I was affiliated to the Department of Political Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

♦ Recipient of the Faculty Research Fellowship by the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute to visit Canada in 2003.  In Canada, I was affiliated to the Department of Political Studies, Queen's University and worked on the topic ‘Parliamentary Federal Dilemma: the issue of Constitutional Reforms in Canada and India’.

♦ Appointed as a Member of the Task Force on “ Socio-Political Developments, Public Policy and Governance ‘’ set up by the new Commission on Centre - State Relations, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India  under the chairmanship of  Justice M.M. Punchhi.

♦ Appointed as a member of the Consultative Group by the Inter-State Council Secretariat, Ministry of Home Affairs to study Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and also nominated as the Secretary and Regional Coordinator (Asia Pacific) for the Young Professionals Panel for the Fourth International Conference on Federalism held in India in November 2007.

♦ Appointed as Country Co-coordinator for India on a global dialogue programme of the Forum of Federations, Ottawa to work on the theme of "Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Countries", in 2008.

♦ Appointed as Country Co-coordinator for India along with Rajeev Dhavan on a global dialogue programme of the Forum of Federations, Ottawa  on the theme of "Legislative and Executive Governance in Federal Countries", in 2004.

♦ Invited as an International expert to deliver a half day course on the "Indian Model of Federalism" by the Forum of Federations, Ottawa and Centre for Policy Alternatives in Negombo, Sri Lanka in April, 2004.

♦ Selected and awarded with Scholarship to attend a specialized course on Federalism at the Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland in 2005.

♦ Invited as an International expert to speak on the "Indian Model of Power Sharing and Women Participation at Devolved levels of Government” organized for women politicians by the Forum of Federations, Ottawa and War Affected Women’s Group in Harbarana, Sri Lanka in September, 2007.

♦ Invited as an international expert to a workshop on “Restructuring the State with special reference to Federalism” organized by UNDP Nepal and GTZ held in Nepal in February 2008.

♦ Invited as a Visiting Faculty at Punjab University, Chandigarh under University Grants Commission CAS-SAP Programme for a week in May 2013.

♦ Appointed as Paper Coordinator for Political processes in India as part of the E-Pathshala project of the UGC, in 2012.


Total Teaching Experience (approximately 21 years)

Undergraduate Experience

♦ St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi from January 10 to April 9,  during the academic year 1993-94.

♦ Hindu College, University of Delhi from August 2 to October 30, during the academic year 1994-95.

♦ Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi from November 14, 1995 (permanent since July 16, 1998) till 14 December 2006.( on lien)

Post Graduate Experience

♦ Participated in the  Cooperative Teaching Programme of the Department of Political Science, Delhi University relating to M.A and M.Phil. courses on State and Society in Canada, Indian Constitution: Theory and Practice and Federalism Regional Autonomy and National Integration between 2001-2006.

♦ Appointed as a Reader at the  Centre for Federal Studies, Jamia Hamdard University from 15 December 2006 till 9 February 2009.(permanent post)

♦ Appointed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi since 9 February 2009.

♦ Appointed as Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi since 23rd August 2010.

Papers Taught at Masters' level

Compulsory Courses: Democracy and Institutions in India, Political Processes in India, OE -Political Institutions and Processes  in India.

Optional Courses: Indian Constitution: Theory and Practice, Political Parties and Elections in India, State and Society in Canada, Comparative Federalism: theory and Practice.

Papers Taught in M.Phil

Indian Federalism: Theory and Practice, Parties, Elections and Representation.


Books: Authored/ Co-authored/ Edited/ Co-edited

♦ New Dimensions in Federal Discourse in India, Routledge India. 2020 ( Edited).

♦ Varieties of Federal Governance: Major Contemporary Models,  Delhi, Foundation, Cambridge University Press India, 2011 (edited).

♦ Situating Federalism: Mechanisms of Intergovernmental Relations in Canada and India, New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 2006 (authored).

♦ Mapping Canadian Federalism for India, Konark Publishers, Delhi, 2002 (Edited).

♦ Indian Parliament: The Changing Landscape, Manohar, 2014 ( co-edited).

♦ Federalizing Indian Politics in the Era of Globalization, Delhi: Primus Books, 2013 ( co-authored).

♦ Indian Politics: Constitutional Foundations and Institutional Functioning (coauthored), N.Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 2011, 2nd edition. (co-authored).

♦India at the Polls: Parliamentary Elections in the Federal Phase, New Delhi: Orient Longman,2003.(co-authored).

♦ Indian Judiciary and Politics: The Changing Landscape, New Delhi; Manohar  Publishers,  2007, (co-edited).

♦ Ideologies and Institutions in Indian Politics, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1998 (co-edited).

♦ Political Science Annual 1997, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1998 (co-edited).

♦ India’s Political Agenda : Perspectives on the Party System, Kalinga Publications, New Delhi, 1996 (co-edited).

♦ Indian Politics in Transition, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1994 (authored).

The reviews of my books have been published in International and Indian journals and newspapers like Publius, Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Journal of International Studies, Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Seminar, Contemporary India, Indian Journal of Federal Studies, Book Review, Mainstream, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Indian Historical Review, Indian Journal of Canadian Studies, The Hindu, The Hindustan Times, Indian Express, The Pioneer, Patriot, Tribune etc.

Recent Research Papers & Articles in Books/Journals/News Magazines

“Constitutional Asymmetry in Indian Federalism: The Union Territory Model”. Economic and Political Weekly,  Vol. 56, Issue No. 34, 21 Aug, 2021 (Authored).

“Policing the Federation: The Supreme Court and Judicial Federalism in India”. Territory, Politics and Governance, 2021 (Co-authored with Wilfried Swenden).

“India (Republic of India)”. The Forum of Federations Handbook of Federal Countries edited by     Ann Griffiths, Rupak Chattopadyay, John Light and Carl Stieren, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, Switzerland (Authored).

‘Federalism and the COVID-19 Crisis: Centre-State Apposite Relations in Pandemic Federalism: India”, Occasional Paper Series Periodical, Forum f Federations, Canada (Authored).

“Reforming the Rajya Sabha”, Special Issue, Seminar, 717, May 2019 (Authored).

“Revisiting Unity and Diversity in Federal Countries: Asymmetrical Federalism in India: Promoting Secession or Accommodating Diversity?” Brill  Nijhoff, Netherlands, 2018 ( Authored).

Environmental Competencies in India’s  Federal System” in Natalia Clecierska (Eds.)

Environmental Policy in India (Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy), Routledge, London and New York,   2019. (Co-authored with Wilfried Swenden).

“Union-State Coordination in the Indian Federal Structure”. Indian Journal of Public Administration (IJPA), 2021 ( Authored).

'Electoral Representation of Women in India”, JOE -A WEB INDIA , Journal of Elections vol 1March 2021  (coauthored).

“Foreign Economic Relations in the Indian Federal System”. Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), June 2019 (Authored).

 “The Supreme Court of India: Courts in Federal Countries: Federalists or Unitarists? “, The Rise of Judicial Power and The Protection of Federalism, Brill Nijhoff, Netherlands, 2018 (co-authored with Manish Tewari).

“Treaty-Making Powers: A Case for 'Federalisation and 'Parliamentarisation'”. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42, Issue No. 01, 06 Jan, 2007 (Authored).

“Republic of India”, A Global Dialogue on Federalism: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries, Vol.3, edited by Katy Le Roy and Cheryl Saunders, Quebec: McGill – Queen’s University Press, 2006 (co-authored with Rajeev Dhavan).

“Gendering Federalism in India”, Occasional Paper: Forum of Federations, Ottawa, 2018 (Authored).

The Indian Supreme Court and Federalism”, Federalism and Regionalism, 2018 (Co-authored with Wilfried Swenden).

Rekha Saxena, “ Multilayered  Governance in Delhi”, State Politics in India by Himanshu Roy, MP Singh, Delhi, Primus, 2017.

Rekha Saxena, “Intergovernmental Relations in India” in  Johanne Poirier, Cheryl Saunders, and John Kincaid (eds.) Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems, Toronto, OUP, 2015( co-authored).

“The Problems of Statehood in Indian Federalism: A Case for Territorial Pluralism in Harihar Bhattacharyya and Lion Koenig (eds.)  Globalisation and Governance in India: New Challenges to Society and Institution, London and New York, Routledge, 2015.

“India: A Hybrid Federal-Unitary State? “in John Loughlin, John Kincaid, and Wilfried Swenden, eds., Routledge Handbook of Regionalism and Federalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2013. (authored).

“Intergovernmental Relations in India in Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, edited by Meghna Sabharwal and  Evan M. Berman, New York and London,  CRC Press, Taylor and Francis  Group, 2013. (authored).

“Indian Federalism “ in Indian Democracy edited by K.C Suri, ICSSR Survey Research, New Delhi, OUP, 2013. (coauthored).

“Is India a case of Asymmetrical Federalism?”, Economic and Political Weekly, January, 14,2012. (authored).

"Canadian Federalism: Structure and Evolution." in M.P Singh and Shubhendu Ranjan Raj ( ed.) Indian Political System, Delhi; Pearson, 2012. (authored).

"Secularism and Communalism in Indian politics: Dialectics and Dilemmas" in M.P Singh and Shubhendu Ranjan Raj ( ed.) Indian Political System, Delhi; Pearson, 2012. (coauthored).

“Indian Constitution: Design and Institutional Functioning" in M.P Singh and Shubhendu Ranjan Raj ( ed.) Indian Political System, Delhi; Pearson, 2012 ( coauthored).

“Role of Judiciary in Federalization of the Indian polity” in New Directions in Federalism Studies (eds.) Jan Erk and Wilfried Swenden, London. Routledge, 2010( co-authored).

“Federalism, Intergovernmental Mechanisms and Coalition Governments: Continuity and Change” in Shaping India’s Foreign Policy: Politics and Places, eds., Amitabh Mattoo and Happymon Jacob , Delhi: Har anand Publications, 2010.(authored). 

“Treaty Making Powes: A Case for ‘ Federalisation’ and ‘ Parliamentarisation’, Economic and Political Weekly ,Vol.XLII,No.1,January 6,2007.(authored).

“Role of Rajya Sabha: the federal Second or Secondary Chamber?” ,Indian Journal of Federal Studies,2007.(authored).

“Republic of India”, A Global Dialogue on Federalism: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries, Vol.3, edited by Katy Le Roy and Cheryl Saunders, Quebec: McGill – Queen’s University Press, 2006 (co-authored with Rajeev Dhavan).

"Indian Model of Federalism", The Federal Idea, Centre for Policy Alternatives and Forum of Federation, Sri Lanka, April 2005.

"Federal 'Coalitional' Governance in India" in Akhtar Majeed, (ed), Federal India, Centre for Federal Studies, Hamdard University, New Delhi, 2005.(authored).

"The 2004 Elections in India", Mainstream, annual number Jan. 2005 (co-authored). 

"Mandate 2004 : Continuity with Change", Think India, Vol.VIII, No.1, Jan-March, 2004 (co authored with M.P Singh).

“Coalition Governments, Constitutional Reforms and Governmental stability in Coalition Politics in India  (eds) M.P. Singh and Anil Mishra, New Delhi: Manohar  Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.(authored). 

"Recent trends in Parliamentary Federal Systems: Canada and India", Indian Journal of Federal Studies, 1/2003.( authored).

“Role of Intergovernmental Agencies in Federal India” in Federalism in India (eds) B.D. Dua, M.P. Singh, New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2003. (authored).

“Major Intergovernmental and Federal Agencies in Canada”, Indian Journal of Canadian Studies, Indian Association for Canadian Studies, Vol.X & XI, 2003. (authored)

"Strengthening Federal Dialogue: Role of NDC & ISC" Contemporary India, Vol.1, No.3 July-Sept. 2002. (authored).

"People's electoral verdict against liberalization", Alternative Survey, Lokayan and Rainbow Publishers 2002. 

"The federal get-together" in Mainstream, Feb. 9, 2002.

"India Independent: The First half Century of Political Development and Decay" (co-authored) Indian Historical Review, Vol. XXVI, July 1999.

“Party System Transition and Electoral Turning Points in India” in Trends in Social Science Research, Vol. 5, No.1, June, 1998.

“Democracy-Development Interface” in Indian Historical Review, Vol.XXIV, No.1&2, July 1997 and Jan. 1998.

“Some Vignettes of Democracy – Development Interface” in Denouement, April 1998.

“Coalition Politics: Problems and Prospects” Mainstream, April 25, 1998. 

"Democratic Governance in India, Indian Historical Review, Vol. XXI, No. 1&2, July 1994 and Jan. 1995.

“Internationalizing National-Regional Treasures”, Mainstream, August 9, 1997.

Articles in Newspapers

♦ “Institutionalizing Federalism”, Indian Express, July 28, 2016.

♦ “High stakes  battle at North –East gateway’, The Pioneer, May 09,2016.

♦ “Telangana Leaves UPA in a Bind”, The Pioneer , May 20,2013.

♦ “The Federal Debt” ,The  Times of India, Crest Edition, April 28, 2012.

♦ “Lok Pal Bill remains hostage to Political Uncertainities”, The Pioneer, April 03, 2012

♦ “NCTC Can’t Work without States’ Support”, The Pioneer,18 April, 2012.

♦ “ Centre Can’t push the States Around”, The Pioneer, 25 April,2012.

♦ “Role of Intergovernmental Agencies", The Hindu, Jan. 29, 2002.

♦ My profile was published in the Hindustan Times Live, West Delhi and East Delhi on 5th Jan. and 11th Jan. 2002 respectively.

♦ “Correcting Imbalances”, The Pioneer, August 4, 2001.

♦ “Reframing Continuity”, The Pioneer, April 5, 2001.

♦ “Political Reforms”, The Pioneer, October 28, 1998.

♦ “Viable Coalitions”, The Pioneer, April 15, 1998.

♦ “Political Regionalization”, The Pioneer, February 26, 1998.

♦ “Opportunism Prevails”, The Pioneer, June 13, 1996.

♦ “Veering Towards Centre”, The Pioneer, May 15, 1996.

♦ “A Case for Combinations”, The Pioneer, May 4, 1996.

♦ “Against All Odds”, The Pioneer, April 9, 1996.

♦ “U.P.: The Edge of Precipice”, Patriot, September 27, 1994.

♦ “Interview article with L.K. Advani” in The Hindustan Times, October 10, 1993.

Book Reviews

♦ Lawrence Saez, Federalism without a Centre, New Delhi, Sage Publication, 2002 in Pacific Affairs, Vol.76, No.4, Winter 2003-2004, Pg.666-67, Mainstream and Indian Historical Review.

♦ Ajay Mehra, The Indian Parliament : A Comparative Perspective by Ajay K.Mehra & Gert K.Kueck (eds), Delhi : Konark, 2003 in Mainstream, April 24, 2004, pg.29-30.

♦ Ash Narain Roy, Globalization or Gobble-isation : The Arab Experience, New Delhi, Konark, 2003 in Contemporary India, Vol.3, No.1, Jan-March, 2004.

♦ Christopher Jaffrelot, The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics, New Delhi, Viking-Penguin India, 1996 in Indian Historical Review, Vol.XXVI, July, 1999.

♦ Chandan Mitra, The Corrupt Society, New Delhi, Penguin India, 1998 in Indian Journal of Public Administration, Jan-March 2000 and Mainstream, 2000.

♦ Guljit K.Arora, Globalization and Federalism and Decentralization : Implications for India, New Delhi, Bookwell, 2002 in Mainstream, April 17, 2004.

♦ Bidyut Chakrabarty, Forging Power: Coalition Politics in India, Oxford University Press in Mainstream,2006.

♦ Wilfried Swenden, Federalism and Second Chambers: Regional Representation in Parliamentary Federations: The Australian Senate and German Bundesrat Compared , Brussels: P.I.E.- Peter Lang,2004 in Indian Journal of Federal Studies, 2008.

Research Experience: International and National

A Study of ICDS in Gujarat, Field Work under UGC CAS-SAP Program, Jan-Feb 2020. (Report submitted).

As Convener, The Comparative Federalists Research Group, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi organized discussions, national and international workshops.

Project titled “Rajya Sabha as federal second chamber: A Critical Analysis.”(2015-2017).

Lead Coordinator from University of Delhi for Leverhulme (U.K.) Research Network Project (3 Years), International Project- institutional collaboration of six universities. (January 2014- January 2017).

Appointed as the Paper Coordinator for Indian Politics  for the E-Pathshala project of the UGC.

Affiliated at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at Queen’s University, Department of Political Studies at University of Toronto and McGill in Canada as a Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute’s Faculty Enrichment Fellow in 2011.

Affiliated with the Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge, Alberta as a visiting Scholar during Summer, 2012.

Affiliated at the Centre for the study of Democracy at Queens University in Canada to do some post-doctoral research on a comparative study of the federal second chambers during summer 2008 and 2009.

Sponsored by GTZ Nepal to do field work in Germany on the Bundesrat as part of my project on a comparative study of the federal second chambers in October 2008.

Worked as Country Coordinator for India along with Rajeev Dhavan on a Global Dialogue Programme of the Forum of Federations on the theme of “Legislative and Executive Governance in India”. 

Worked as a researcher and co-author in a major UGC project on the study of three Parliamentary Elections in India held in 1996, 1998 and 1999 (in collaboration with M.P. Singh). In this project, we have used both document based data and survey data.

Indian Politics in Transition authored by the undersigned in 1994 is a study of 1991 Lok Sabha and 1993 Vidhan Sabha Elections in India. In this book also I have used a considerable amount of survey data from public opinion polls, gathered personal information from party offices and conducted interviews with party leaders relating to the socio-economic background of the members of the Tenth Lok Sabha.

In 1996, I had conducted an extensive survey of political leaders, administrators, jurists, journalists and teachers on various issues in Indian politics.  The data, as well as analysis, is presented in a research report published under the title India’s Political Agenda: Perspectives on the Party System (in collaboration with M.P. Singh).

Worked with the CSDS in the National Election Study in 1996 and conducted a sample survey in the Matia Mahal constituency.

Conducted a survey for the CSDS in the 1996 Exit Poll at Ferozeshah Kotla Polling booth and elicited responses of voters through dummy ballot papers and boxes.

Worked in a UGC project on Political Parties and Federalism (directed by M.P. Singh) for which I had interviewed party leaders in Mumbai and Ahmedabad regarding their attitudes towards issues relating to Indian Parliamentary Federal System in 1998-99.

Worked in a UGC project (directed by M.P.Singh) in which I had conducted a survey of party members of the Eleventh Lok Sabha regarding their attitudes towards various issues in Indian Politics and their socio-economic background.

Worked as a Research Fellow in the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi during 1994-95. 

Participation in  International / National  Conferences / Training Programmes in India and Abroad

Invited as a panelist to a Webinar on ‘ Federalism and the Corona Crisis -International Experiences’ organized by Forum of Federations and Freie University, Berlin on May 27th, 2020.

Invited to a National Webinar on COVID Federalism’ organized by Odisha Political Science Association and BBSR on April 18,2021. 

Invited as speaker to a National Webinar on “NEP 2020: Role of Political Science Teachers’’  organized by Dr. B R Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow and Bhartiya Siksha Mandl and MP Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain.

Invited as a key speaker to an international webinar on' five years of the constitution of Nepal' organized by the policy, research and training academy of Nepali Congress on 20 September 2020.

Participated in a workshop organized by Indiana University, USA on Indian Politics, March 12-13, 2019 as part of a project on Oxford handbook of Indian politics and presented a paper on 'The changing nature of Indian Federalism”.

Invited to an international conference organized by Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on Governance in the 21st Century in South Asia: Challenges and Ways Forward, 7-8 July 2019. Presented a paper on   “Federal Governance in South Asia”.

Invited as a Key Speaker and Presented a Paper on "Governance and Gender Parity: Prospects and Challenges" in a conference jointly organised by Jain University and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung held on 8-9 February 2020 at Bengaluru.

Invited to Punjab University in a seminar in collaboration with LOKNITI and presented a paper on 2019 elections and Indian National Congress, February 2020.

Public Lecture at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library on “Gendering Federalism in India” on May, 10, 2018.

Public Lecture at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library on “Restraining the Demos: Asymmetrical Federalism: A way to promoting rule of law and in India” on May, 10, 2018.

Hosted the final conference of the Leverhulme International project at Delhi University and presented papers on “Judicial Federalism” and “Rajya Sabha as a federal second chamber” ( co-authored) held on 10-13 January 2017.

Presented a paper on “ Rajya Sabha as a federal chamber: A case study of Private Member Bills” to the UK PSA international Conference held at Brighton, UK  on 21-23 March 2016.

Invited as an international expert to a workshop on “Implementing Federal Governance - lessons for Nepal” organized by the Citizens Forum and Forum of Federations, Canada in Kathmandu, Nepal February  2016.

Made a presentation on "Institutions, Processes and Mechanisms of Federalism in India" to an international conference organized byInter-State Council Secretariat, Ministry of Home to organize an international conference on 'cooperative Federalism: National Perspectives and International Experience ' held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 20-21 January 2016.

Presented a paper on " Judicial Federalism in India " to the Leverhulme international conference organized by University of Bristol held in Bristol, UK on 16-17 December 2015.

Invited as an international expert to a workshop on “ Support of Consolidating Democratic Transition: Nepal” organized by Forum of Federations, Canada in Kathmandu, Nepal in July 2015 to interact with the Constituent Assembly members and civil society organizations.

Presented a paper on “ Asymmetrical Federalism: A Key to India’s Unity in Diversity” to the IACFS International Conference in Montreal, Canada on 2-3  October 2015.

Presented a paper on “ Rajya Sabha: Federal or Secondary chamber” at the international conference organized by Leverhulme International Network, UK and Hyderabad Central University in Hyderabad on 9-11 April 2015.

Presented a paper on “ Jurisdictional Conflicts in the area of Internal Security: A case study of NCTC” at the UGC-SAP international conference organized by the Department of Political Science, Delhi University on 28 feb-1 March 2014.

Conference Chair for IPSA RC 28 international conference held in Delhi University on 14-16 November 2013. Also presented a paper on the theme “ Federalizing the Treaty-Making Power in India’.

Participated in international workshop on Crating Democracy, Hyderabad 22-24 November 2013.

Presented a paper on `From Oligarchy to Stratarchy: A Case Study of Congress Chief Minister Amarinder Singh of Punjab` in the Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, UGC SAP, National Conference on the Role of Leadership, May 27-28, 2013

Invited to speak on “State of Art in Indian Politics” in a Capacity Building Programme organized by ICSSR Regional Centre at Punjab University, Chandigarh on 30 April 2013.

Gave a public lecture on “Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems: A Case Study of India”  organized by Department of Political Science and Sociology, Punjab University, Chandigarh on 01 May 2013.

Invited for a talk on” Intergovernmental Interactions in Federal System: Issues and Challenges” by CRRID, Chandigarh on 03 May 2013.

Presented a paper on the ‘Role of Institutions in strengthening Indian Democracy” to a national seminar organized by CCD, Baroda on 15-16 March 2013.

Invited as a discussant by IDSA to their Fellow seminar held on 8 March 2013.

Invited to chair and speak on Ideology, Values and Governance in a programme organized by India Policy foundation at Constitution Club on 23 February 2013.

Invited to speak on Asymmetrical Federalism in a   workshop of Political Science held in JNU on 22 February,2013.

Presented a paper on ‘Federal Imperative and the Dilemma of the Congress-led UPA’ to an international conference organized by Hyderabad Central University on 1-3 December 2012.

Invited as a panelist to speak on Asymmetrical Federal governance and Cosmopolitan Democracy in Jammu and Kashmir at University of Jammu on  21-23 November 2012.

Invited to present a paper on institutions of fiscal Federalism: Role of NDC” by CESS, Hyderabad on 5-6 November 2012.

Presented a paper on the’  Interface between Between Gender and Politics in India ‘ to an international conference organized by SICI, Canada at on 3-4 June at  University of Calgary, Alberta.

Invited as a panelist to Hindu College to speak on the theme "Reassessing the Executive Powers in India’s Parliamentary Democracy" on 4th April 2011.

Invited to Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany on 17 October 2011 to speak on Indian Federalism.

Invited as a resource person to speak on "Indian Federalism at Work" organized for the Mizoram civil servants as part of their in-service training programme at  IIPA in January  2012.

Presented a paper on ' Gender and Politics Interface" in a national seminar organized by Centre for Federal Studies and Human Rights, Jamia Hardard in 2011.

Invited as the main speaker on 'Public diplomacy in India and Australia' at Rajdhani College, University of Delhi in 28 February,2012

Presented a paper on ‘ Intergovernmental Relations in the Indian Federal System’ to an international conference titled Engaging India held at Carleton University in Ottawa organized by SICI, Canada.

Presented a paper on “ Globalization and Constituent Diplomacy: Growing State Role in Treaty Making Power in India” to an international conference organized by India Australia Foundation, Melbourne and University of Delhi held in Delhi on 28-29 April,2010.

Invited to present a paper on ‘Intergovernmental Relations in the Indian Federal System’ to an international conference  held in  Edinburgh, Scotland in March 2009.

Presented a paper  on ‘Federalism and Foreign Policy: A Case Study of the Treaty Making Power in India’ in an international conference organized by the University of Jammu in December ,2009.

Participated as a panelist in a roundtable on ‘Reflections on the Global Dialogue’ organized by Forum of Federations, Ottawa and Institute of Social Sciences in Delhi on 3 September 2009.

Participated in a workshop organized by the Commission on Centre State Relations, Ministry of Home Affairs  in collaboration with the National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkota on 2 August 2009.

Invited as a panelist by the Commission on Centre-State Relations, to a seminar organized in collaboration with Punjab University, Chandigarh on ‘Centre-state Relations’ on 10-11 December, 2008.

Invited by the Institute of Social Sciences to speak on ‘Indian Federalism: An Overview’ to a parliamentary delegation from Pakistan on 20 November, 2008.

Presented a paper on ‘Challenges of Multi-layered governance in the National Capital Region of Delhi’ in a workshop organized by Forum of Federations, Canada and IACT in Bengaluru , 20-21 October, 2008.

Presented a paper on ‘ Vertical and Horizontal Interactions in the Indian Federal System’ at IPSA RC 28  annual conference on federalism held in Berlin, Germany on 3-4 October 2008

Presented a paper at an international conference held at Queens University in Canada on 16-17 May 2008 on the theme of “Territorial Pluralism in India”.

Invited to address the LDOs , Govt.of Nepal  in a Training Programme organized by Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs on Participated on  15th and 30th January 2008.

Invited in a planning workshop for the Young Professionals programme as Regional coordinator for Asia Pacific organized by the Forum of Federations, Ottawa in Ermatingen ,Switzerland in 2005.

Participated in the Third International conference on Federalism held in Brussels, Belgium in March, 2005.

Participated and presented a paper in an International conference on “Legislative and Executive Governance in Federal Countries” as India's country co-coordinator held at University of Melbourne, Australia between 21 & 22 Aug. 2004.

Presented a paper in an international conference on 'Mechanisms of Intergovernmental Relations", organized by the Forum of Federation, Ottawa held in Brazil from 17-18 Sept. 2003.

Organized and conducted the Asia Pacific Regional roundtable for Young Professionals in Delhi in September 2007 as a preparatory meeting to the Fourth international conference on Federalism to be held in Delhi in Nov.2007.

Made a presentation on the Relevance of Inter-State Council in the Regional Roundtable organized in Kochi in August 2007 by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs as a preparatory meeting to the Fourth international conference on Federalism to be held in New Delhi in 2007.

Invited as a discussant in the Regional Roundtable organized in Goa in August 2007 by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs as a preparatory meeting to the Fourth international conference on Federalism to be held in New Delhi in 2007.

Presented a paper on the  “Role of Intergovernmental Mechanisms in Policy Making” at an international conference on Federalism at Work organized by the Institute of Social Sciences in Srinagar in August 2006.

Participated in a round table discussion organized by the Institute of Social Sciences on the topic “Local Self Government: the Indian and Brazilian Experience”, held in New Delhi in January 2004.

Participated in an International Round Table discussion on Federalism in India organized by the Forum for Federation held at Indian Institute of Social Sciences, 2001 and 2002.

Presented a paper entitled “Paradoxes of Indian Democracy” to an International seminar organized by University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India at the India International Centre, New Delhi, November 1997 (in collaboration with M.P. Singh).

Presented a paper entitled “Paradigm-Shifts in Indian and Canadian Politics” to an international seminar organized by the Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Delhi, South Campus in Spring 1998 (in collaboration with M.P. Singh).

Delivered a lecture on “Party System in India” in the Department of Political Studies at the Queen’s University, Canada in 1999.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Organized several community outreach programs during the pandemic.

  • On Coping with Pandemic Situation - Holistic View on Health Series 1
    With Dr. Shrikant Sharma and Dr. Sukanya Patra 
    10 May 2021
  • On Mindfulness, Mental Wellness and Learning
    With Dr. Pawan Sinha and Dr. VIkas Deswal
    11 May 2021
  • In collaboration with The Happiness Collective and WICCI
    With Dr. Sujata Kelkar Shetty
    12 May 2021
  • In collaboration with The Heartfulness Institute
    On Meditation, Rejuvenation & Inner Connect sessions
    With Mr. Devender Singh Bhusari
    13 May 2021

Invited many national and international scholars for lectures in the dept for Mphil/Ph.D research scholars.

Delivered lectures at Faculty Development Progrmmes at JNU in 2019 and 2021.

Convener of National Seminar organized by  the Department of Political Science, Delhi University in collaboration with Centre for Multilevel Federalism on The Status of Cooperative Federalism Under NDA II- THE IMPACT on Political Institutions under UGC CAS-SAP, 25 February 2020.

Convener of UGC CAS-SAP National Seminar   organized by the Department of Political Science, Delhi University on Appraisal of Policies of BJP-LED NDA Government, 27 February 2020.

Convener of a workshop and colloquium under UGC CAS-SAP on Researching and Documenting Vulnerable Communities: Addressing the Gaps in Knowledge and Praxis in collaboration with CAALAS, 29 February 2020.

Invited as a panelist on Lok Sabha TV, DD News, DD National, CNN-IBN, Headlines Today, Zee News, India TV, Live India, News Express, etc. in several programmes.

Contributed articles in newspapers like The Hindu, the Times Crest, The Hindustan Times, The Pioneer etc.

Awarded “Best Outgoing Student” certificate for academics and extracurricular activities from the Department of Political Science, Hindu College, University of Delhi in 1991. I was also the President of the Political Science Association of Hindu College during my college days.

Responsible for organizing several seminars, training programmes for practitioners and teachers at Delhi University and Centre for Federal Studies, Hamdard University, New Delhi.

Associated with various  learned bodies and research institutes like  International Association of Centres for Federal Studies ( IACFS), International Political Science Association (IPSA) RC 28, Forum of Federations, Canada, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Indian Association of Canadian Studies, Indian Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, Political Economy Association, Institute of Social Sciences, Centre for Federal Studies etc.

Associated with many civil society organizations like Pragatisheel Mahila Sangathan, PILSARC, etc.

Personal Information


Department of Political Science,

Social Sciences Building, 2nd floor

University of Delhi

E-mail ID:        

Name:                       PROFESSOR REKHA  SAXENA

Father’s Name:           Late R.B Saxena

Date of Birth:             11 August